World Mental Health Day 2015

World Mental Health Day


It's World Mental Health Day 2015 and to make a difference in the world we can make a start by doing something to help ourselves. 

Over at Mental Health Australia, they're committed to improving the mental health of all Australians and have identified 3 objectives for World Mental Health Day 2015:

  • Reduce stigma in relation to mental health
  • Encourage individuals to seek help
  • Enhance connections in communities

As part of this we can all focus on making a personal mental health promise. Think of a small change that you can make to help boost your own mental health and wellbeing. Some ideas we can think about include:

  • Get more sleep
  • Exercise more often
  • Spend more quality time with family and friends
  • Be connected, not just present
  • Savour positive moments
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Cut down on alcohol use (see our last post for tips)
  • Have a more positive outlook
  • Ask for help when we need it

Post your promise on World Mental Health Day's Promise Wall to make yourself more accountable, or find some inspiration from over 11,000 individuals and organisations.

What promise will you make for World Mental Health Day?


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