Get in touch

Hey there! Looking to get in touch with us? Here are your options:

1) CALL US on (+618) 6382 0355 for all queries.

2) ONLINE BOOKING - Existing clients can use our online booking system to book their next appointment may do so using the button below (if you are looking to book an appointment with Annie please use the contact form in (3).


3) CONTACT FORM - New clients to The Skill Collective, and those with alternate queries (e.g. workshop/training query), can get in touch using our Contact Form.

Find us - Directions

The Skill Collective is located in Subiaco, close to the CBD (look for our colourful arches). Our details are:

Address: 5b / 1 Station St in Subiaco WA 6008  |  Phone:  08 6382 0355 |  Fax:  08 8432 1649

Below are the parking and public transport options for 5b/ 1 Station St, Subiaco.