We are living in extraordinary times. All around the world we are seeing the Covid-19 pandemic sweep through countries, changing lives forever. We are seeing a devastating impact on global health and economies - people are falling ill, people are dying, countries are in lockdown, jobs and livelihoods have been altered. Routines have changed with people working from home, classes going online, social distancing is in place (if not, in lockdown), and exercising now no longer looks the way it did a few months ago. With these significant and turbulent changes it’s understandable that mental health is suffering on a global scale. Here’s what we’re doing at The Skill Collective to help.



We are open to support you during these challenging times! In addition to face-to-face appointments we are also offering tele-health appointments and plenty of resources to get you through (see below!).

Here’s an idea of the types of issues we’re helping with during coronavirus times:

  • Adjusting to change in routines

  • Dealing with employment changes/loss of job, anxiety about work, and staying on track with studies

  • Increased health anxieties and worrying about passing coronavirus on to loved ones

  • Loneliness and feeling trapped

  • Surviving relationships in lockdown

online resources

We get that not everyone is able to see us during this time, so we’ve also put together some special tips on how to cope during coronavirus times. We are constantly adding to these (stay tuned for our articles on Finding the Feel-Good Factor, the New Normal, and Preparing for life post-Coronavirus). In the meantime, here are our tips from our blog to help you look after your mental health in these challenging times.


We also have our 14-day Wellbeing Challenge. One tip each day will be emailed to your inbox, taking 15 minutes each. They help your body, mind, and heart. Why not check it out here? (*some tasks may have to be modified in coronavirus times!).

We have mental health guides - check out our Men’s (Man)ual for Good Mental Health as well as our Women’s Guide to Good Mental Health.

Our Resource Library is filled with tip sheets to help you boost your Wellbeing, Mental Health, and Performance, and we have a dedicated tip sheet on Coping with Coronavirus Anxiety: 7 Tips to Help Manage Distress through Challenging Times, which you can grab below.

Coping with Coronavirus Anxiety tips from The Skill Collective Psychologists in Subiaco Perth.png

Grab our tip sheet and you'll also get access to our Resource Library filled with even more tips on wellbeing, mental health, and performance. You'll also receive news and updates at The Skill Collective. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of any newsletter email you receive from us, or by contacting us. For more information please read our Privacy Policy and Terms + Conditions.

ESPECIALLY to help STUDENTS manage during coronavirus

Disruptions to routine can be particularly challenging for students given exams are earmarked for certain years (final year exams, age groups with nation-wide testing). Add to that the uncertainty of the academic year (will we or won’t we return?), the disruption to social connections (e.g. friends at school and also with sporting teams in and outside of school), and potentially uncertainty surrounding futures, and it’s no wonder that coping in this time can be tricky.

With that in mind we have three resources to help students during this challenging time:

Our first resource is our article on Student life in the Time of Coronavirus.

Our second resource is our newly-launched downloadable companion to Tips for Student Life in the time of Coronavirus which you can grab right here using this form. See our Top 10 tips for managing your studies during these challenging times.


Grab our "Tips for Student Life in Coronavirus Times" guide and you'll also get access to our Resource Library filled with even more tips on wellbeing, mental health, and performance. You'll also receive occasional updates of new resources at The Skill Collective. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of any newsletter email you receive from us, or by contacting us. For more information please read our Privacy Policy and Terms + Conditions.

Our third resource is Nimble Noodle, our online exam preparation and exam anxiety course. Studying at any point in time is tricky enough, let alone during Covid-19 when a lot more of your study has to be self-directed. Managing your time effectively, setting realistic study goals, enhancing your study skills, and managing perfectionism and procrastination become all the more important. Nimble Noodle can help you get in track to sharpen your study skills. Learn more about Nimble Noodle here.