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Working in FIFO: The challenges for mental health (and tips to help)

A FIFO lifestyle presents unique challenges to your sleep, relationships, and mental health. We cover these challenges and suggest tips to help you cope.

Managing mental health while FIFO

By Charlotte Pugh


A Fly-in-Fly-out lifestyle is not for the faint-hearted – long days (think 12-hour shifts) working away in remote mining locations for weeks at a time, separated from family and loved ones, feeling isolated, sleep disruption, coping with heat and dust, and a workplace culture where bullying and sexual harassment are commonly reported. With these challenging conditions, it’s not surprising that approximately 33% of FIFO workers report a higher level of psychological distress compared to the average population [1]. FIFO workers experience higher levels of depression and anxiety symptoms as well as higher levels of burnout compared to the standard population [1]. This article outlines some of the unique aspects of a FIFO lifestyle, its impact on wellbeing and mental health, and offers tips to striking a helpful work/life balance. Read on to learn more about:

  • Common challenges in FIFO Roles

  • Signs your mental health might need support

  • Strategies to help your FIFO wellbeing

common challenges in fifo

FIFO roles are those based in remote locations away from towns, and often facing extreme weather conditions. Workers travel to site for several days or weeks at a time, then return home for days or weeks of rest (depending on rosters. Whilst on site, accommodation is often temporary (‘dongas’). Other common features of FIFO roles include long shifts (often 12 hours each day with highly regimented routines), working in male dominated industries (mining, construction, oil and gas), and working in an environment in which stigma regarding mental health often exists.

In light of the nature of FIFO work, it’s no secret that a FIFO lifestyle can take a heavy toll [2][3][4][5]. Let’s dive deeper into these challenges, and consider both workplace-based challenges (which may be harder to shift) and individual-based challenges (which we can have more influence and control over).


workplace-based challenges

Workplace-based FIFO challenges related to the organisation, how it structures work roles, the work environment itself (job conditions, physical environment), and also the organisational culture:

  1. Workplace Culture. Numerous surveys point to the challenging workplace culture in FIFO environments, with gender-based discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment reported to be higher in what is typically a high pressure, male-dominated environment [1][6][7][8]. Living at camp means it can be difficult to separate from work, feel psychologically safe, find like-minded people to connect with.

  2. Work Structure. Shiftwork, long hours, and roster length have all been shown to impact wellbeing. Shiftwork and long hours can increase fatigue due to disruption to sleep and sustained physical or mental demand [. The highly regimented structure of long hours with strict meal and recreation times can also create a challenge in maintaining connections with supports at home, especially if on night shift. Even-time and short rosters , choice in roster, and permanent rooms, are all linked to better mental health outcomes. [1][2][7]

  3. Reduced Autonomy. The highly regimented nature of FIFO work (with strict compliance to safety and operational matters, and a highly structured daily routine and rosters) can lead to a reduced sense of control and autonomy and, in turn, poorer mental health outcomes. [1][2][3] Factors such as difficulty travelling home in emergencies, difficulty obtaining time-off or sick leave, changes to changes to camp rooms, and limited choice in job tasks, all impact mental health and a sense of agency over one’s life. [1][2]

  4. Environmental Factors. Site-based work often occurs in harsh environments -  heat, flies, dust, camp conditions, food onsite and access to recreational facilities, can all impact on mental health and wellbeing. Not having your creature comforts can be challenging, as can living out of your suitcase not knowing if you’ll return to your same donger can contribute to feeling displaced and unsettled. Is it any wonder that the environment can impact your wellbeing? [2][3]


individual-based challenges

Whilst punishing work conditions that accompany FIFO work contribute to poorer mental health, there are also individual-based challenges at play. These include:

  1. Managing multiple demands. While working FIFO, employees can feel as though they are leading two separate lives. Depending on your commitments, it can look like a feast/famine cycle (e.g. long hours with a highly regimented daily routine with set times on site vs. nothing structured when on R&R) or a continuously busy cycle with little respite (e.g. long hours on site then coming home to dive right into parenting duties and taking care of the household). Continuous adjustment is required when travelling to/from site, and time away can impact on relationships, friendships and parenting.[2][3] Learning how to juggle these demands is key to maintaining good mental health.

  2. Maintaining social connections. FIFO workers report that time away often can result in feeling socially disconnected. [2][3][5] Time away often means missing important events and celebrations in the lives of loved ones  – missing out on friends’ major celebrations or children’s birthday parties - and can certainly create a barrier to forming new relationships or participating in activities on R&R.

  3. Beliefs about seeking help. In spite of the higher prevalence of mental health difficulties in FIFO workers, there is often reluctance to seek support due to  significant stigma. [4][8] A machismo culture of ‘getting on with it’ and ‘toughing it out’ means that seeking support may be viewed as a sign of weakness, resulting in help being sought at the point of high distress. The reality is that by seeking help along the way – to fine tune negative thoughts, or learning how to manage a suitable sleep routine whilst FIFO – it can actually help prevent things from getting to breaking point.

  4. Golden Handcuffs. One of the main benefits of FIFO is the financial security, allowing for more investment into building a life, supporting partners and children, and moving towards financial freedom. However, the seductive financial benefits can often lead to ‘lifestyle creep’ (nicer toys, more holidays) and higher levels of debt. In turn this can lead in FIFO workers feeling ‘trapped in their roles, resulting in increased stress and potentially taking on more overtime to catch-up. [2][3][5]

signs of poor mental health in fifo workers

Research into the mental health of FIFO workers has shown higher rates of depression, anxiety, burnout, as well as higher overall psychological distress, compared to the standard population. [1][2][3][4] Some early warning signs that your mental health may be impacted can include:

  • Changes to mood: Feeling consistently stressed, numb, flat, or having a ‘shorter fuse’ than usual, or even reduced enjoyment during R&R.

  • Changes to health: Difficulty sleeping, trouble winding down, fatigue

  • Changes to behaviour: Withdrawing from social gatherings, increased alcohol and substance use, increased gambling

  • Dreading work: Finding it hard to travel to site (i.e. becoming increasingly anxious or down on fly-out day).

Even though these may be signs that you experience it doesn’t mean that you have to put up with it because it’s part of the job. There are steps you can put in place to help improve your mental health.

tips to manage fifo life: relationships, health, wellbeing

One of the biggest challenges to FIFO life is maintaining positive social connections and looking after yourself. Others may seem to get on with their regular daily and weekly routines back home, but as a FIFO worker you’re transplanted into another world for a few weeks at a time, disconnected from your regular life back home. Below are some tips to help with managing your FIFO life:

1.     Sort out your priorities. Having a realistic understanding of the potential impact of FIFO work, and its challenges can assist in managing mental health and wellbeing. [1][2] Developing a plan with practical and financial goals, things to look forward to, and what you would like to get out of a FIFO career, all help with increasing a sense of autonomy and control.

2.     Prioritise Relationships. FIFO workers who are happy with their personal relationships have been shown to have significantly better mental health and well-being. [1][3][5][9] This may include planning social activities on your R&R, having alternative ways of communicating to maintain relationships with those back home, and prioritising time-off for key celebrations or events. This could also include exploring social activities onsite and connecting with your crew.

3.     Create a Routine. It’s common for FIFO workers to feel ‘lost’ or unsure of what to do on R&R, and therefore managing the transition between site and home can feel challenging. Creating a routine for site and home can help support wellbeing, as well as allowing you to make the most of your R&R.

4.     Know your warning signs. Tune in to some of the early signs that you may need some extra physical or mental health support. These could be physical signs such as feeling consistently tired, headaches, or difficulty sleeping, as well as emotional signs such as difficulty switching off, feeling flat, or being snappier and more irritable than usual.

5.     Check in with your physical health. FIFO work is demanding on your body, with long shifts, disruption to sleep schedules, night shift, heat, dust and continued physical demands. [7] It’s important to pay attention to your physical health, monitor alcohol and substance use, and work with a GP or psychologist to create a manageable sleep routine.

6.     Reassess as needed. Remember to regularly check in with yourself and reassess how you are going. Different life stages will often mean different goals (financial, career, relationship) and balancing different demands (i.e. relationships, sport, parenting). As you go through different stages of your life, remember to reassess and develop new routines and goals.

7.     Work with a psychologist.  You do not have to wait until you are exhausted or at the point of burnout before working with a psychologist. Ways a psychologist can help include:

  • Laying the groundwork in preparing to start a FIFO role.

  • Helping you to build helpful sleep strategies.

  • Finding ways to support your relationships.

  • Helping you to find a work/life balance.

  • Supporting you with problematic alcohol or substance use.

An additional benefit of having periodic check-ins with a psychologist (like me!) is that psychologists are also trained to identify emerging wellbeing issues such as depression, anxiety, burnout, problematic alcohol use, and can work with you to build strategies to improve mental health and coping.



[1] Parker, S., Fruhen, L., Burton, C., McQuade, S., Loveny, J., Griffin, M., ... & Esmond, J. (2018). Impact of FIFO work arrangements on the mental health and wellbeing of FIFO workers.

[2] Roets, A. (2021, October 19). How FIFO work impacts mental health and well-being. Engineering Institute of Technology..

[3] Gardner, B., Alfrey, K. L., Vandelanotte, C., & Rebar, A. L. (2018). Mental health and well-being concerns of fly-in fly-out workers and their partners in Australia: A qualitative study. BMJ open8, e019516.


[5] Brook, E. R. (2020). Fly-in/fly-out working arrangements: Employee perceptions of work and personal impacts (Doctoral dissertation, Murdoch University)

[6] Pupazzoni, R. (2023, Aug12). ‘Not acceptable’: Women in mining speak out against sexual harassment and discrimination. ABC News,

[7] Joyce, S.J., Tomlin, S.M., Somerford, P.J., Weeramanthri, T.S. (2013). Health behaviours and outcomes associated with fly-in fly-out and shift workers in Western Australia. Internal Medicine Journal, 43(4), 440-444.

[8] Van Halm, I. (2022, October 27). Why the Australian mining industry needs to address workplace culture. Mining technology.

[9] Meredith, V., Rush, P., & Robinson, E. (2014). Fly-in fly-out workforce practices in Australia: The effects on children and family relationships.

Thank you to the FIFO workers who contributed to this article. 

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