charlotte pugh
Registered Psychologist
BSc(Hons), MProfPsych
Charlotte is a caring and warm clinician who creates a safe and comfortable space for clients to explore their concerns and empower them to create change in their life.
Charlotte sees adults and adolescents (16+).
Charlotte has a special interest in trauma (EMDR), adolescence (16+yrs), FIFO life, adjustment to studies and work, as well as neurodiversity (ADHD, autism) and associated anxiety and depression.
Charlotte’s clinic days are Monday PM, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday AM. Book online with Charlotte using the button below, or Contact Us if you are new to The Skill Collective or have not seen Charlotte before.
charlotte’s areas of interest
Charlotte helps to improve individuals’ mental health and wellbeing, assisting them to understand their experience and emotions and helping to build skills to improve wellbeing using techniques from Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
She also helps create structure and routine to assist those with ADHD and autism navigate their world.
Trauma / PTSD (current and historic) can have significant psychological and physical impact on patients’ lives.
Charlotte provide a space for them to understand how trauma shapes their perception of themselves, as well as providing strategies for managing their anxiety.
She is trained in Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR) to assist with trauma processing.
Balancing FIFO Lifeis often challenging. Charlotte can assist with balancing the unique conditions of home and site in FIFO lifestyle and help with managing mental health and relationships.
With personal and professional experience in FIFO roles, and having lived in regional areas, Charlotte create an understanding space to help build skills to manage relationships, shiftwork, and create a fulfilling home life, while working away.
She also supports partners of FIFO workers.
Read Charlotte’s article on Managing Mental Health while FIFO.
Charlotte enjoys helping young people with their mental health (e.g. anxiety, depression), relationships, school performance, and family.
Charlotte has worked in youth organisations, helping young people to empower them to create changes in their life. As part of this, she collaborates with the family to ensure the support provided within the therapy space extends to their larger world.
Charlotte helps people navigate difficulties in relationships, from romantic relationships to friendships, family, and at work.
She helps with building assertiveness skills and developing more confidence in relating to others and communicating needs.
Charlotte assists individuals in times of transition, whether that is change within practical routines or identity changes.
Change can happen at work, study, and identity more generally.
Charlotte helps clients navigate identity shifts resulting from injury, trauma, and shifting social roles, supporting them through their grief to form a new identity and sense of purpose.
articles written by charlotte
about charlotte
Charlotte completed her Bachelor of Science and Honours at the University of Western Australia, and her Master of Professional Psychology at Curtin University. She has experience working in youth organisations, research, and working and living in the Pilbara, as well as in a FIFO capacity.
Charlotte is a warm and personable clinician, working in a collaborative manner to create meaningful change. She uses evidence-based treatments such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy, Schema Therapy and EMDR, tailoring the approach to suit each individual.
Charlotte runs her own independent practice and engages The Skill Collective to provide administrative and other business services to support her provision of assessment and treatment to clients.
A FIFO lifestyle presents unique challenges to your sleep, relationships, and mental health. We cover these challenges and suggest tips to help you cope.