Mental Health + Wellbeing Check Up (Part 2)

So, hopefully by now you've blitzed through the Mental Health + Wellbeing Check Up and it's given you some ideas as to where you're at in life and the areas in which you'd like to make changes.

We've also been given some food for thought at this end by some eager types who have given the Mental Health + Wellbeing Check Up the once-over and told us:

  • I'm a visual person and I want to see the bigger picture...which areas of my life I'm doing well in and which areas could do with a bit (or a lot!) more work.
  • Well what do I do now that I know which areas I want to work on? 

Well folks, this is just the post for you because in it we have:

  • A freebie to download that fits all questions on the one page for you to eyeball your life at a glance
  • A little worked example to show you how to see the bigger picture
  • Some options on how to get started


So, our little Mental Health + Wellbeing Check Up looks a little something like this:

Click here to download the Mental Health + Wellbeing Check Up

Click here to download the Mental Health + Wellbeing Check Up

Within each area in the Check Up, responses clustered to the right suggest areas in which you're doing well.  Responses clustered to the left, in contrast, suggest an area that could do with a bit of work.

Now it's important for us to put it out there that this is purely a Check Up with questions to help prompt your reflection on the various areas of your life. It is by no means an exhaustive assessment of all areas of your life, nor is it one of those bona fide, scientifically validated questionnaires. These questions are based on themes that come up time and time again in our work with our clients as Clinical Psychologists. 

Right, with that out of the way, let's move on to seeing how this may work.


So, using this Mental Health + Wellbeing Check Up let's look at how this would work. Say, for example, you're someone who works, studies at university on a part-time basis, and you have a busy personal life with lots of commitments (sport, family gatherings, catching up with friends, etc.). The days are long and while you're confident in your abilities to get things done it's hard to get on top of your To Do list. Upon taking a closer look at the areas of your life, you might find that you answer the questions in the following way:

Mental health wellbeing check up example.png

Looking at the patterns of responses above you can see that, overall, things are going well in the Happiness + Wellbeing life area indicating that there is purpose, direction, and meaning. Things also seem to be going relatively well when it comes to Mental Health issues. 

Overall, the responses suggest someone who knows how to solve problems as they arise and to set goals to make changes, however finds that achieving balance (work, study, life) and focusing on themselves to be tricky. Where we see room for real change is in the areas of living a Healthy Lifestyle, Achieving at Work, and Succeeding as a Student. 


Now that you've had a look over your life and are keen to get started on making changes there are several options:

  1. Stay tuned for our upcoming blog posts as we take you through ways to spring clean your life and start to make changes.

  2. Sign up for our free monthly newsletter at the bottom of this page.

  3. Contact us if you're local (we're in sunny Perth, Australia) and want to get started sooner - there's nothing like a cheeky shout out to ourselves!