Welcome to The Skill Collective’s courses page. Here you’ll find courses that we have put together based on some of the most common presentations that we help individuals with. These courses are:

  • A great way to work on a very specific topic in a defined amount of time.

  • Written by our team, drawing on evidence-based research (what science tells us works!) delivered in a practical way based on our clinical experience (what we find helps the people we have worked with over the years).

  • An opportunity to fast-track working with us (particularly Nimble Noodle, our online exam preparation and exam anxiety course) when our waitlists get a bit long.

Take a look around, and if you have any questions please feel free to contact us.



Social Set

Social Anxiety can be debilitating and hold you back at work, school, and in your daily life, but did you know there are effective treatments for Social Anxiety? Meet Social Set, our 8-week course. Learn more



Nimble Noodle

Are you a student plugging away at your studies but not getting anywhere? Have your past years studying shown you a few traps you fall into over and over again as a student? Read on to learn more…


Speaking Volumes

A fear of public speaking can invade your daily life, and cause you significant anxiety in the lead up to moments where you have to speak up! Read on to Learn more…